Where Do I Use The Red Key Card On Poptropica On Resident Evil Genesis Where Do I Find The Red Card?

On resident evil genesis where do i find the red card? - where do i use the red key card on poptropica

I have the black card I also need the red key in the door of her hidden in the area behind the fireplace


vintage.... said...

I'm also worried. If you are looking for in your inventory, you should always precious 8th If not, first look at the hotel. Then, back in the house is a room near the piano that resembles a table and eight chairs. It is about opening gems in the chairs in the correct order, to a secret file of the image. It's ok (clockwise):

White (in the chair whose back is at the door)

I am on that very point itself, so good luck!

Oh, and David G. is what to do. You are on the right track with the anniversary. But if ye had a birthday card that says thishis 18th Birthday. So in 1967 they must have less than 18 years. Therefore, the code "110,849". Try this. :-)

David G said...

I think he would find the red card key, in which some on the second floor with a pool table if you have correctly solved the puzzle, then the image is open and you will find a flamethrower and once, unless they have the spider, use the key to beating the Giants is an open jade figurine and monkeys, red key card you use everything, k? and said that he wouldnt be if you could help me with the password, fire cuz I read the diary 1 open and said that the code is aniversery dated November 1967 8, and tried the 8 Novembre 67, and then refused to treat 11 08 67 Nothing! So, what should I do?

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