PID ever caused metallic/soapy taste or indigestion? - what causes soapy taste in mouth
The ladies had in the past, PID, you can develop a preference for metal soap in the mouth or have you ever indigestion?
With all the pregnancy symptoms I had, and the neg evidence in the local free clinic finally saw a real Gyno today. He ordered the ultrasound and blood tests. I asked him if he Thoth prego? He said that everything is possible (to hear so great a doctor that instead) to contemptuously.
Ultrasonic check on Monday with the pregnancy or PID, I'll be back on the results of 31 days. Before that, I would like to know if it could be PID? DO NOT have lost color or odor, I have an STD. The doctor was able to wash away any contact with the metallic taste and soap and indigestion, I have ever developed.
Has anyone ever really with the PID or indegestion metallic taste bad?
My "pregnancy" symptoms in this order (and outside);
Nausea, headache, excessive salivation,
metallic / sour taste / Soap
Breast tenderness
What Causes Soapy Taste In Mouth PID Ever Caused Metallic/soapy Taste Or Indigestion?
12:24 PM
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